2. Suited for males, as the main image is a man. The colours are also more masculine. Once again, it looks aimed towards the upper class slightly more. The fancy font also reflects this. Suited for the same age as the previous cover.
3. Has a feminine feel due to the main image of the woman looking elegant and dressed up in pink. It gives away that it's a classical music magazine due to the violin being held. I'd say the age range is the same as the others, but the younger musician on the front is almost making the magazine attracted to younger crowds. Once again it has an upper class feel.
4. Suited for girls due to the gossip and celebrities, as well as the colours being pink and having a heart shape in the logo. This magazine is suited for any class, but maybe not the upper class as they could be reading other things. This magazine is suited towards young teenagers.
5. Suited for males, due to the dark colours used, plain font and male band members on the front. I'd say the age range would be from teenagers to men in their 50's, as many teenagers enjoy and listen to rock, and older men still like the genre, as the band Guns and Roses aren't that recent. I think any class could read these magazines, but some people in the upper class might prefer to read a classical music mag.
6. Suited for males and females, but this particular cover looks more masculine, due to the male on the front, fun font and colours used. The age range would be young teenagers to older teenagers, and any class might read this magazine.
7. A well known magazine suited for females and males, but this cover also has a masculine approach due to the male artist as the main image, fonts and colours used. I think this magazine would be the same classes and age range as the previous magazine.
8. A masculine look to the cover due to the models and the black background. This magazine would be suited to anyone from mid-teenage years up to men in 20's. Any class could read this, but someone in the upper class might decide to read something else,
9. Suited for males or females. Ages from young teenagers up to 20's. Any class could pick this up.